Movie Night – DC League of Super-Pets
Time: Doors open at 5:30 & Movie starts at 6:00pm
Location: The school gym
Cost: $5 a person / $20 a family
How to Register/Buy Tix: Purchase via cash online: or buy tickets at-the-door!
Details: Pizza, snacks, popcorn & McMurrich merchandise will be available for purchase. If you need any financial assistance, please speak with Julie or Laura in the office.
Movie night is a great way for McMurrich families to meet and connect. The kids LOVE an evening out with their friends and classmates. Blankets, pillows, yoga mats, stuffies and PJs are always welcome.
Volunteers are needed and welcomed to make this event possible. We will also need volunteers to make and package popcorn ahead of time. To volunteer please rsvp to:
Two ways you can participate:
1) Volunteer to help at movie night (to help run ticket sales, man the pizza and snack table, set up and clean up, monitor the halls)
2) Pop and package popcorn to bring to movie night. Pop the popcorn at home – package in individual bags (Dollarama sells cute movie popcorn bags) and drop it off at the snack table when you arrive for the movie. If you have other packaged snacks to donate, drop them off too (halloween candy could be great :)).